Writing has always been a big part of my life. From consuming fairytales, I heard before bed, to writing my own for fun. It was a way for me to disassociate from the mundanity of home, a coping mechanism that made everything feel so expansive, i could be anywhere when I was writing. When I moved from upstate to Manhattan – so much changed, i gained so much perspective in what felt like a compressed amount of time in comparison to the little I had gotten back home where I knew every restaurant, the owners, and their children. With this major paradigm shift, i noticed a major shift in my writing – this very point is explored in my literacy narrative essay. I was highly critical of assignments I had submit during my senior year of high school, which when writing I had been so proud of. With all that’s changed this year, so has my writing, but with gained perspective comes not just changes, but growth- getting closer and closer to the ability of communicating and connecting with others through your work. This website serves as a documentation of that growth, hope you see the potential.

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